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Club Rush!

On Wednesday, January 31, dozens of clubs and countless students participated in this semester's Club Rush, which doubled as a multicultural fair. All classes were shortened by two minutes in order to extend lunch. All participating clubs set up booths with food and drinks that related to a specific country - for example, the American Cancer Society (representing Thailand) sold Thai iced teas and Thai desserts; Outspoken sold Belgian waffles. Students were expected to first purchase tickets at $1 each and then use these to purchase items from the clubs. In previous years this has been an issue, with excessively long lines to purchase tickets. But this year, clubs reported fewer attempts to pay in cash, suggesting Leadership has addressed the problem. By the end of lunch, the quad was full of happy students who got an exciting (and overpriced) lunch and content club members who got to miss the first ten minutes of Period 5 to help clean up. Student Kyle Gusdorf attended the fair; he left generally pleased, saying that all of the food he had tried was delicious.

Mr. Yousefian got in on the action, admitting to Vector that he spent over $20 on various food items, mostly pastries and sweets. "I also got some free samples," he added.

Since Club Rush is one of the few times each year when clubs are legally allowed to sell food on campus, it is a big fundraising event for many. Brianna Tran, who ran the booth for the NoHo music department (representing Vietnam), said, "I think we were pretty successful [in raising money]. Last year, we had way too much tea; this time, we made too little, so we switched to snowcones since we had a lot of ice, and those were really successful."

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