What kinds of things can I write for Vector?
Generally, Vector articles are nonfiction. Check out the list of categories by hovering over the "Articles" page. If your article does not fit any of the categories, you are still welcome to submit. However, keep in mind that we will not publish anything discriminatory. We also will not publish anything that has been covered in a previous post. Writers are welcome to submit a counterargument to an article they disagree with, or discuss certain aspects of the same topic that were not discussed before, but each post must have something different to offer.
When will my article be published?
Vector publishes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Expect your articles to be published the week after you submit them, but publishing time may vary slightly.
Where do I comment on a post?
Unfortunately, Vector is unable to enable commenting directly on the site. If you want to comment,you must do so on Vector's Facebook posts.