“Big Brother is watching you.” These words are plastered along the walls of dystopian London, known as Oceania, in George Orwell’s riveting utalitarian novel 1984. Written as a criticism of contemporary political agendas, this book has received acclaim for its assessment of the horrific potential of government control and widespread propaganda. Orwell writes from the perspective of a man named Winston Smith who realizes the government has gradually hypnotized its people by simplifying their language and making them believe blatant hypocrisies like ‘war is peace’ in order to please a fictional being named Big Brother. The novel’s thorough understanding of the greed and corruption which commonly infiltrate political systems make this piece, published in 1949, a lasting warning of how far government control can go. The book remains a relevant and well-loved classic; it inspired David Bowie’s iconic 1974 album Diamond Dogs, is currently being played in several movie theaters to protest the Trump administration, and is a staple in many high school curricula. Orwell’s powerful writing style bridges its ideas together to create a novel that people across the political spectrum can enjoy.